Hodonín: Good practice across pupil parliaments in municipality with extended competence 
Basic information
Name of the city/town/region: | Hodonín |
Surname, firstname: | Mikušová Lenka |
Organization: | Město Hodonín |
E-mail: | mikusova.lenka@muhodonin.cz |
Phone: | 518 316 318, 606 714 501 |
Subject: | Kvalita a prostupnost vzdělávání; inovativní aktivity škol; poradenství pro rodiče |
Description and outputs |
Describe the main purpose / aim of your activity / project. What were its side effects or secondary results? | The aim of the meeting was not only to share good practice among the pupils' parliaments of all elementary schools in the ORP Hodonín, including a multi -year grammar school, but also to inspire and motivate each other to further activities. Furthermore, give members of the parliament feedback on how local politicians and personalities perceive their importance. The meeting was preceded by a competition of presentations from individual parliaments in which they had the opportunity to share good practice at their schools - what they did, what they worked on, what events they did, etc. |
Start of activity: | 01.09.2023 |
End of activity: | 29.02.2024 |
Budget |
What were the financial costs of carrying out the activity? | [tis. Kč] 22 |
How was the activity funded? | costs amounted to 22.100,- CZK. |
Recommendations and inspiration |
What recommendations / advice can be deduced from the implementation of your activities and provided to other municipalities with a similar intention? | activities can be recommended for many benefits for the city, such as: |
Describe the main strengths of your activity / project during its realization? | connection of DP and SP with the agenda of the healthy city of Hodonín. |
Describe the main weaknesses of your activity / project during its realization? | Competitions and the meeting itself took part in a low number of schools. |
Monitoring and evaluation |
Do you plan to further develop/maintain the activity/project? | We would like to repeat the meeting in the future after two years. Members of the Student Parliament came up with a proposal to organize a similar meeting for secondary school parliaments. |
Media, promotion |
How was the communication with the media and what were the media outcomes? | />
Additional notes |
Additional notes | In case of repeating this event, we would recommend focusing on increasing motivation about the involvement of elementary schools and catchment municipalities. It would certainly be very beneficial and interesting if similar events did not only focus on the city of Hodonín, but also to the surrounding villages that have a lot to offer and revive the action itself. We would also support the opportunity to create more platforms in the future, where children would get room for sharing their practice, opinions and attitudes. A place where children could manifest themselves and actively participate in their surroundings. At the same time, they would learn to present opinions to politicians as their communication partners. |
Partakers |
Name: | Město Hodonín + Dětský a Studentský parlament Hodonín + Agenda Zdravého města |
Company number or other registration data: | 00284891 |
Address: | Masarykovo nám. 53/1, 695 01 Hodonín |
Web: | http://www.hodonin.eu |
Another partakers |
Název: | Klub mladých Střediska volného času Hodonín |
IČO nebo jiný registrační údaj: | 49939386 |
Adresa: | Nám. B. Martinů 2952/5, 695 01 Hodonín |
Web: | https://svchodonin.cz/ |
Name: | Národní síť Zdravých měst ČR, z.s.p.o. |
Company number or other registration data: | 61385247 |
Address: | Na Poříčí 1041/12, 110 00 Praha 1 |
Web: | https://www.zdravamesta.cz/ |